Welcome to the Anomaly Research Department (ARD). The ARD has been working for hundreds, some would say thousands, of years to understand why our simple mechanistic reality is not what it actually seems to be. The purpose of the ARD is to more thoroughly understand the nature of reality, and to do so in a manner that can account for all the oddities of life. By doing so, it is the aim of the ARD to help the people of Earth to have more of what they want, and less of what they do not want in their lives.
It is difficult to say exactly when the ARD was established. Some people claim that its roots go back to the time of Atlantis. But of course others deny that the city of Atlantis was real, so who knows for sure when the ARD really started. What we can say is that research into life’s many anomalies has been accelerating over the last 120 years. So what are these anomalies that we study at the ARD? Well your life probably seems simple enough to you. You exist, as do other people and other things. Your life plays out over time, and in space. Your conscious experience is produced in your brain, and the universe, and everything in it, is a material thing, made of separately identifiable atoms. If this was really the case then there would be no need for the ARD. The problem is that within this nice simple model there are a variety of experiences, and scientific results, that question this model, these are anomalies.
In his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the science historian Thomas Kuhn discussed the idea of a generally accepted scientific paradigm. He said that within science, or a branch thereof, exists a theoretical model. This model makes various assumptions, based on the results of experiments, other observations, and reason. Though this may be the case he also said that anomalies, which cannot be explained by, and that do not fit within, the current model do exist too. These are most often ignored by the scientists working within the accepted paradigm. Indeed scientists working outside of the accepted model are accused of doing pseudoscience, and often ridiculed for doing so. At the ARD we believe that a scientific model can only be accepted, if it does adequately and completely explain the observed anomalies.
To understand what might be anomalous, you first of all need to know what is the broadly accepted paradigm. Because this helps to define what is incongruent with it. The currently accepted scientific model is mechanistic, materialistic, and deterministic. This means that existence is made of material things, and these things interact with each other in a mathematically predictable manner. This is largely the world described by Isaac Newton, and by Albert Einstein in his work on Relativity. The first anomaly to this model is Quantum Physics (QP), which Einstein and others worked on. QP can be called a hard anomaly, because it is very well supported theoretically and experimentally. The reason that it is an anomaly is that Relativity and QP are very different and mutually exclusive theories. You cannot have both as a way of understanding reality, it has to be one or the other. Yet both exist and both seem to be right. The next anomaly is that scientists have provided evidence that consciousness is not bound within the confines of our hard bony skulls. This evidence comes from parapsychological studies of apparently psychic abilities. It is a hard anomaly, because it comes from scientific research, but let’s call it a hardish anomaly, because despite this, it isn’t accepted by ‘proper’ scientists. Our next anomalies are near death and out of body experiences. These can be called soft anomalies, because though there has been some scientific research conducted, they are difficult subjects to study, in what most people would regard as a scientific manner. That being said, these events do have profoundly life changing effects on the people that experience them. Our final anomaly, for now, is the UFO phenomenon. This is a soft squishy anomaly, because most people never have any UFO experiences, and the government sponsored scientific studies of UFOs tell us to move along, there is nothing to see here.
Here at the ARD we are pleased to announce that one of our students has produced a book that re-describes reality in a way that can account for all of these anomalies. By doing so he challenges us to think about our lives in a totally different way. His book is called It’s Time: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, Change The World. You can buy it here It’s Time on Kindle.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci